Information on CSV file and its usage and function

Asked By 320 points N/A Posted on -

What is a CSV file and what is the use of a CSV file?

Best Answer by asiri
Answered By 0 points N/A #86871

Information on CSV file and its usage and function


I suppose you are asking for the CSV file format (Not about Volunteer Services) which stands for, Comma Separated Values file formats, that are represented with the extension of CSV.

The file represents tabular data. The first line represents headings of the table, while the other lines represent rows of the table and as the name suggests the values and names of the headings are separated by commas. An Example is as follows.


0102,John Smith,General Manager,45025.57


Many spread sheets and databases and program languages support CSV file format and therefore it is easy to share the data using this file system.

Answered By 0 points N/A #86872

Information on CSV file and its usage and function


CSV stands for Comma Separated Values file format and it is a tabular file format, which is recognized by many spreadsheet applications, databases and programming languages.

Answered By 320 points N/A #86873

Information on CSV file and its usage and function


Can you please help me create a CSV file and upload it to Google ?

Answered By 0 points N/A #86874

Information on CSV file and its usage and function


You can create a CSV file using Microsoft Excel. Enter data in a tabular format, in a spreadsheet and when saving the file just save it as CSV. If you don't have Excel, you can create a CSV file in notepad. Once you create the file, log on to Google with your Google ID and go to Google docs.

Upload the file using the link. That's all.

It is quite simple work.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #86875

Information on CSV file and its usage and function


You can easily create CSV files using excel. Refer to file CSV creation for reference. As in the image the first rows should include the headings and the other rows should contain the data. After creating the file just save the file as CSV file format instead of any other formats. (Refer File Saving. JPG).

Uploading to Google

It is quite easy to upload files to Google.

  • Log into Google using your ID and password.
  • Then go to the Google doc.
  • There you will find a link as attach files.
  • Follow the instructions.

If any problem in uploading to the Google just drop me a message and I will give you a guide with images.

Answered By 320 points N/A #86877

Information on CSV file and its usage and function


Thank you for your kind support.

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