Information on Research Task Pane and Conducting Research on Topics

With the help of the Research task pane you can conduct research on Topics using an encyclopaedia ,
Web search and also by accessing third-party content.
Is it true or false?

With the help of the Research task pane you can conduct research on Topics using an encyclopaedia ,
Web search and also by accessing third-party content.
Is it true or false?
Yes dear you are right that by the help of research task pane it is easy to do a research but my friend, there is a difference in the whole research answers and some of the points related to the research topics.
I simply want to say that whatever you write is right and also that task pane helps you but that research bar is not going to help you in a sense that whatever you write there it will give you a result in a whole scenario of that topic research.
Whenever you write any topic or statement there, it will only give you an answer related to that post not as a whole research and there are many answers and other related post that come in front of you by the help of that pane and then it's your duty to select some of the good topics which is more relevant to your research topic and then research it by yourself.
Simply, that task pane helps you in a way of giving you some points about your topic by the help of Encarta, encyclopaedia and different web researches.Â
Yes, this is true.
In 2007 MS Excel, you can open the research pane by Alt + Double click on cells.
Research pane provides number of research sources with no cost and with cost. You can use the research sources like Microsoft Encarta, translation and thesaurus services from WorldLingo etc.
In 2007 you can do the research using the main research sources like Bing, Factiva Iworks, High Beam, all business and finance sites, Thomas Gale company profile etc.
The main research sites are Bing, Factiva Iworks, HighBeam TM research
You can do the translation from one language to another from the research pane. You have the thesaurus in main languages.