Input a single character and print a message

I need help i want to input a single character and print a message "It is a vowel" if it is a vowel otherwise print message
"It is a constant". By using if-else structure and OR operator only?

I need help i want to input a single character and print a message "It is a vowel" if it is a vowel otherwise print message
"It is a constant". By using if-else structure and OR operator only?
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
int _tmain()
char v;
cout<<"Enter a character: ";
if(v=='a'|| v=='e' || v=='i' || v=='o' || v=='u')
cout<<"It is vowel";
cout<<"It is constant";
In C++ if-else is decision Operator. As in real life we have the option and in particular condition we do specific task. Same as IF-ELSE used in programming for taking decisions.
Syntax of if-else
void main()
// if condition is true pointer will run this part of the program
in false condition pointer will run this part.
your program
void main()
char ch;
cout<<"Enter a character";
cout<<"its a vowel";
cout<<"its a consonant";
Here I have used OR operator in IF condition .by the use of OR(||) operator compiler run the true part of if condition if any of the given condition is true otherwise ELSE part would be run.