Inserting a new Column in Excel

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Good evening guys!

I really need your help on this.

I need the answer ASAP cause the deadline is almost up.

How will I insert a new column between other columns in MS Excel?


Best Answer by theone1
Answered By 0 points N/A #100685

Inserting a new Column in Excel


Dear friend,

To insert a column between two existing column is very easy. For instance, to insert one column you first select the column or even a cell in the column that is located immediately to the right side of where you want to specifically insert the column. To insert more than one column, select the columns that are situated to the right side of where you want to insert the multiple columns. Then you can select the same  number of columns that you want to insert. Next click on the insert menu and select the columns option. Instantly, a new column will appear for you to use. It’s that simple!

Thank you!

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #100686

Inserting a new Column in Excel


Hi Ricarey,

There are two  ways to enable you to add a new column in work sheet.

1) Right clicking

This is where you high light on the column that you want the new column to be

On the options available the following will show




Paste Special



Clear content

Format Cell

Column Width



Just the way I have written them.

Go to insert and the column will be inserted.

If you want more than one column you all need to high light the column depending on the number of the column you want.

This may apply to Ms excel 2007.

2) When using ms 2003

You go to insert

You will see option of new column and you will be able to add.

Thank you


Answered By 590495 points N/A #327629

Inserting a new Column in Excel


If you have a worksheet in Microsoft Office Excel that has many columns and you want to insert one column between two particular columns then that would be easy. Here’s an example. Let’s say you have four (4) columns in your worksheet labeled Column A, Column B, Column C, and Column D. Now, you want to insert one column between columns C and D.

To do this, place your cursor anywhere under Column D. Next, right-click that cell and select “Insert”.

Select "Insert"
Select “Insert”

Next, in “Insert” dialog, select “Entire column” then click “OK”.

Select "Entire column"
Select “Entire column”

And that’s it. A new column will be inserted between Column C and Column D.

New column between C and D
New column between C and D

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