Install AppLocale application to Windows 7
Hi everyone,
Hi everyone,
Before installation, you must check first for the compatibility of your application. Does the application allowed to be installed in Windows 7. If it is not, whatever you are doing to install the application, you won’t get successful installation because of its compatibility issue.
Also check if the application you are installing is a 32 bit or 64 bit operating system compatible.
Now, assuming that everything where checked and still prompting for errors, try to have another copy of your installation file then install it again in your computer. If the installation succeeded, your installation file or disk might be damage.
Don't worry! I am using Windows 7 professional, and I have not ever faced any problem to install software application on to my computer. After knowing your question, I researched much time to solve your problem and finally I found the process to install AppLocale application on Windows 7 professional.
At first you need to place AppLocale installer into your C drive. Now you will go to 'Start' menu and here you need to cmd in the search box. Then click on the cmd.exe holding down ctrl+shift. A command window will appear and here you need to type cd and press enter to navigate to the C drive.
Type here apploc.msi and hit enter then the installer will appear and you just need to install the application.
Hope this process will help you. Thanks.