Install MAC OS X on a PC

Hi Christopher L. Keaton,
Yes, it is very possible. Now that we have a lot of intruders or should I say innovators, we can now install a Mac operating system in our very own Windows personal computer.
Due to the complexity of the Mac operating system, there are a lot of things you have to do, a lot of settings you have to tweak, and a lot of files you have to transfer, and then install. Although it is difficult in installing a Mac operating system on your computer, you can probably do it. Just take your time, and follow the instructions carefully.
Take all the details. Here are the links:
Mathew Joni
Obliviously there are lots of ways to run a Mac on PC, but with the help of virtual machine only.
BTW it is a violation of Apple's EULA.
Try original Mac and I am sure you will love it.
You can run windows too on Mac.
With the available technology today, nothing seems to be impossible. Even if you are using Microsoft Windows on your computer, you can still install and use other operating systems like Mac OS X and Linux Ubuntu.
This is only made possible using virtual machine and one example of it is VirtualBox.
It is a powerful x86 and Intel64 / AMD64 virtualization program that can be used for both home and enterprise.
It supports Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris, Macintosh hosts and can support a huge number of guest platforms such as Microsoft Windows [Windows Server 2003, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7], Windows 3.x / DOS, Linux [2.4, and 2.6], Solaris and OpenSolaris, OpenBSD, and OS/2.
To download, visit Download VirtualBox binaries.
When downloading, make sure to select the correct version for your operating system.