Installation Issues of Enterprise Library [3.1]

I have an old computer system and I have decided to use it for testing purposes for the installation of [WCSF] Web Client Software Factory. This software needs Library 3.1 [enterprise], when I run the installer I faced a problem. I want to share with all of you for getting a remedy, please.
First of all, it is to inform you that I have Win XP as the operating system on that machine as well as Automation Extension [GAX] and Guidance Automation Tool Kit for 2008 [VS].
Please see the error message below, I faced while I was installing Library 3.1 [Enterprise].

Installer Information
Unable to get installer types in the D:PublicAssembliesMicrosoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.BlockFactoryInstaller.dll assembly. –> Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
I am trying to find that what is wrong in that, anyone please help me.