Installation of opera and chrome fails on Ubuntu

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


I want to install Google chrome and opera web browsers on my machine running Ubuntu version 11.04. I have a mobile broadband internet connection and I was using Firefox previously.

I was successful downloading the installers for opera and chrome. When I tried to install chrome, during the installation an error occurred and all I see is some load error.

When I tried my test my luck on installing opera it was even worse, the installer goes smoothly until it is reading the setup database but just after that there is a bunch of error messages and the installation fails.

Can anybody tell why this is happening or what should I do to install chrome or opera on my computer to browse the internet?

Answered By 10 points N/A #100856

Installation of opera and chrome fails on Ubuntu


Problem installing Google chrome and opera web browsers on machine running Ubuntu version 11.04.You can solve this problem.

Though Mozilla Firefox is a fast and good web browser,people want to test or feel interest first to Google chrome than opera.

Now come first for opera. To install opera first off all download .deb file from:

and install it.

But it is not secure and come to a decision what will you do. And there are different version that support your Ubuntu version 11.04 . Some are for 32 bit and some are for 64 bit.

If you  want to find out how to install Chrome and Opera on Linux 11.04, click the links below:

Link 1

Link 2   

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