Hi, I recently wanted to join my friends on Skype, so I decided to install it into my computer system.
However, during the installation an “error 1618” appeared stating that another installation is already in progress and that the other installation must be completed before completing its own installation process.
Does it mean that you cannot run Skype installation process when another installation is on progress?
Feature transfer error
Error: -1618 Another installation is already in progress. Complete that installation before proceeding with this install.
Installation Process Error Message 1618
Leigh slayton
There are some logical restrictions in the windows systems which also apply to your case submitted.
Actually whenever you install a program in windows a utility called “Microsoft Windows Installer” or commonly known as .MSi files.
The MSI execute starts installing it first unpacks some other files based on the installation program, as well as some packages in windows database, which helps in updating the windows components and adding new files / registry entries and so on.
Now if multiple installations of different programs are started simultaneously, there is a major risk that the entries in the database as well as registry etc. gets mixed up, and as such corruption up to the level of Operating system may occur.
So in a nutshell, YES, you cannot install two programs simultaneously.
If you want to further research please do read the article on : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/822454/-error-install-already-running-error-message-when-you-run-the-setup-pr