Installing Mysql On Windows 7 To Develop The Web Based Application.

MY SQL database is a popular open source database. Usually administrators install it on the Server OS. How is the process of installing MySQL on Windows 7 done?

MY SQL database is a popular open source database. Usually administrators install it on the Server OS. How is the process of installing MySQL on Windows 7 done?
1) Go to the official page of MY SQL and download the community Server edition.
2) Click on the download button.
3) Choose the type of web installer and click on download.
4) When prompted to sign up, ignore it by clicking on the link stating ‘No thank, just start my download’.
1) From the Welcome page, click on Install MY SQL Products link.
2) Accept the license agreement.
3) Choose Custom setup so that you have the power to decide the packages to be installed.
4) Go to Select Products and Features page select the version of the applications you wish.
5) Open Check requirements page install the requirements that missing. You can do this by clicking on the Execute button. Once done click on next.
6) A list of the software will be shown on the Installation page. To go ahead click on Execute button. The process will start when Next button is clicked.
1) After the installation process, configure window will appear.
2) Open Type and networking page, press the Config button.
3) Choose Development machine.
4) Choose a port from TCP/IP networking.
5) Open the Open Firewall port for network access and then go to Show advanced options. Click on next.
6) Choose a password for the account.
7) On the next page, give your Server a name.
8) Go on clicking next and accept the default options.
9) Wait till the configuration process is complete.
You test it by opening command prompt. Execute the following commands:
1) mySQL-root-p This would ask you for the root password. Enter it. If you are prompted with an error stating mySQL command is not found, then check path variable.
You can check it by typing ‘path’ in the command window