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Posted on - 08/30/2012
I am interested about installing OS Windows 7 by pear pc on maemo. Will it be possible to do? Have any other OS ever been installed by pear pc on a maemo device? Please send some reliable information. I am really curious about it.
Installing Windows 7 by pear pc on maemo
Hello Rachel,
Maemo is a Debian based Nokia operating system that has become very popular. It was recently reported that Nokia N900 that uses Maemo could run Android in dual boot. It was also reported that Mac OS X 10.3, the Power PC version, could also be able to run on N900 that has got Maemo.
Note that the Mac OS X is not a native install on N900, but what it runs is PearPC emulator, since it is not actually a usable implementation, and it is quite slow proof of concept. Windows 7 has not been reported to work with Maemo but maybe it can be possible in the coming days.