Integrating GIS and Global Positioning System

Hello everyone
Can anyone let me know How to collect, process and integrate Global Processing System data with GIS?

Hello everyone
Can anyone let me know How to collect, process and integrate Global Processing System data with GIS?
To collect data for GIS, you need to collect satellite images.
There is some free site where you can get free satellite images.
But for more perfect work, you need to buy satellite images.
You can collect data from this site.
After that you need to have a software to analyze satellite images.
Erdas imagine is in this type of software. You can download this software by going there site.
Now put the raw data that you have collected from the site. Erdas Imagine will analyze data & give you result.
You will get all required data for GIS analysis.
Yes, the post above is right. To use and collect images for use in GIS, you need satellite access to take images or pictures of the target areas. And since you need satellite images, GPS is very much needed. Here’s a little explanation on GIS and GPS.
GIS stands for Geographic Information System and it is used to combine software, hardware, and data for managing, acquiring, displaying, and evaluating all types of geographically referenced information.
It lets you understand, interpret, view, visualize, and question data in different ways in the form of globes, maps, charts, and reports that will show the trend, relationship, and pattern. It is being used by thousands of organizations especially in the government to solve problems in different areas.
GPS stands for Global Positioning System and is a satellite-based navigation system which consists of a network of 24 satellites that were placed into orbit by the United States Department of Defense. Its main purpose before was for military applications but was later made available to public during the 1980s.
It works anywhere in the world and in any weather condition available 24 hours a day and the best part is that you don’t need to pay any subscription fees to use it. The 24 satellites that make the GPS space segment are orbiting 12,000 miles above the earth. The first GPS satellite was launched in 1978 and the complete constellation of 24 satellites was completed in 1994.
Each satellite is meant to last for about 10 years and they are constantly building replacements and launching them into orbit.
Greeting guys, thanks all of you for your usable post. All of your comments touched my mind and are dependable too. I have learned, by satellite accessing I can collect satellite images for GIS, as well perfectly working I need a GPS, Excellent, simple understandable explanation! I have a little knowledge about GIS and GPS but visiting your comments, gathering your tips now I think over night, I have become a huge learner about GIS and GPS, which was not possible without your blessing of comments. A big thanks to Sharath because he is providing easy tips about GIS and GPS. Congratulations guys, for greatly helping.