Internal Software Error while compiling LabVIEWFPGA

I have few questions,
Are there any limits of elements to be placed on Block diagram of Lab VIEW FPGA VI? During the development of a VI with lots of high amount fixed point adders and multipliers (approximately 150 high amounts fixed point adders and 50 highest amounts fixed point multipliers) Lab VIEW final abruptly, anyhow my completed developing the VI by opening it more than 4 times. After development I tried to save the file Lab VIEW it showed 'Not enough memory to complete this operation' error as shown below, but it was saved.

Not enough memory to complete this operation.
When I tried to compile the developed VI program on FPGA board in halfway stage the same error occurs. I tried many times it stops and generate errors
Details of the error:
Error 100 occurred at an unidentified location.
The likely reason is:
The VI is not in a state compatible with this operation.
Is this error occurring due to huge VI?
My System Configuration is:
Intel Core2Duo 3.16GHz
3.25 GB RAM
More than 100 GB free hard Disk space.