I have a practice being followed here to stay connected to internet without disconnection. I need to lift the receiver of my home telephone and keep it aside. If I don’t do that, the internet works fine but only till somebody gives a call to the landline. As soon as it starts ringing, the modem shows that link has failed and connects again. But this interruption, though less periodic, makes me unhappy whenever the phone rings. Also, if I list the phone, nobody can call our phone too. Is there any solution to this kind of typical problem faced by me here?
Internet connection gets interrupted if phone rings
The internet disconnecting problem while ringing the phone is mainly because of the following reasons;
1. Filter problem; Check the two filters. First filter connected into the phone socket and with router. Second filter connected to phone side of the first filter, and then phone connected to second filter. If the problem is with filters, then try to use new phone jacks that have in-built filters.
2. If the filters are installed correctly, then check the DSL splitter. If the line doesn’t split correctly, then ADSL will disconnect while ringing the phone, Internet will disconnect.
3. Check whether there is any rust coating on the cable connectors.