Internet Explorer 10’s default DNT

Is recently released Internet explorer 10's default DNT service is hazardous to security ? Can anyone give detailed information ?Â

Is recently released Internet explorer 10's default DNT service is hazardous to security ? Can anyone give detailed information ?Â
The DNT functionality, Do Not Track in full is a setting on the Internet Explorer Browser. A few days ago, Microsoft announced that they would not make DNT functionality a default setting in Internet explorer. This move from Microsoft did not come from vacuum, to appreciate the default Switch; you would have to consider the impact on the entire Internet ecosystem. Users derive a huge amount of entertainment and education via the net. The one challenge that has always been there is the provision of transparency to make clear choices. The functionality would be a hindrance to the transparency the DAA has been trying to achieve.
It was around February of this year when Microsoft announced the final release of Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 for Microsoft Windows 7. This is two years after the company presented the web browser at a conference. Those users who already tried installing Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 preview will be the first ones who will be receiving the upgrade via the Windows Update and those who are running Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 on their Windows 7 will automatically be upgraded in the succeeding months.
The DNT setting or Do Not Track is a privacy setting that is switched on by default when you install Microsoft Internet Explorer and this is the feature that is most publicized. Microsoft Windows 7 will now be shipped with Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 and for those users who are not yet using this web browser even if they have a Windows 7 Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 needs Microsoft Windows 7 with Service Pack 1. By April of this year, this web browser will no longer support Microsoft Windows 7 RTM.