How do we know that each transaction that we made into the web is secure, if Internet Explorer 10 won’t track the user’s activity? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this new web browser if they will really going to released it in public along with the new windows 8?
Internet Explorer 10 will soon be release along with Windows 8
Hello Tomson Nystrom According to the makers of Microsoft internet explorer  too many of their user has been disappointed to their past realest browser called internet explorer 8 because of its ability to track users activity.For many reasons Microsoft said internet explorer 8 was design filtering feature to appease advertising company When the time that Internet explorer is on the stage of development.
But now in the review of internet explorer 10 release to many has been surprise because of its new and main ability is to not truck. Internet explorer 10 put an end to this privacy issues and signed to the privacy standard of every people using on it, its main goal is set back the trust of every people using with internet explorer and have privacy to all users. How do we know if internet explorer 10 eliminate the privacy filtering issues? The answer is no only the a highly programmers or the developer its self knows how their program works. But now secrets that never reviled. And another feature to this application integrated with flash player more like faster videos than past release.