Internet Explorer | Operating System

The latest version of the internet explorer is IE 9. The internet Explorer is released in the month March 2011. Internet Explorer 9 is supported with the three operating systems
1) Windows Vista
2) Windows 7
3) Windows Server 2008. The IE 9 is using the 32 bit version which has faster performance.
Best part of the IE9 is that it uses hardware acceleration for the better text, video and other web based Java scripts.
I hope your query is solved with clarity.
The latest version of Internet explorer is Internet Explorer 9. You need to be on Vista or Windows 7 to be able to install and run this browser.
This is a great improvement from previous IE browser. The New JavaScript engine and hardware acceleration greatly improved the speed. The simple interface leaves more room for webpages. It has a Download manager with malware protection. An improved tab function. A lot of new security features and tracking Protection. Improved standards support. Pinned tabs make sites look like apps in Windows 7.
The only downside is that it only support Windows Vista and Windows 7 and it has some occasional website incompatibility.
Hello Dear,
There are many versions of Internet Explorer available. The latest version of Internet Explorer is Internet Explorer 11.
It is supported on all Windows computers, like Windows XP, VISTA, 7, Windows 8, and others. It can be downloaded from this link.
It has many built in facilities for the user. It has its own flash player plug in, which makes browsing much faster than before.
I hope this helps you with your question. Thanks.