My friend wrote a small web based program to store client information. I used the program in her laptop and found it running well. But it is not working properly in my computer. The following message is showing and inputted data is not saving. Should I update Internet Explorer?
Internet Explorer Script Error
An error has occurred in the script on this page. The script operation has been canceled.
Microsoft Jscript runtime error
[Line: 9 ] ' myFuncVar' is undefined
Answered By
0 points
Internet Explorer Script Error: An error has occurred…
If she wrote a small program, then there are many questions like does her program support all or most computers. Is the program compatible with all browser. Did they follow the standard to create the program. If all this is right, it may run on your PC also. I think you can try it, after upgrading your Explorer or you can try it by using Firefox as it is a good browser also.
I think this may help.
Thank you for your question.
Answered By
lee hung
75 points
Internet Explorer Script Error: An error has occurred…
Simply disable the script in debugging to be able to sign the problem or maybe the website is not working. Ignore the error and turn off the scripting debugger in the Internet Explorer. Go to the Tools menu and click the Internet Options and then go to the Advanced Tab and click the Disable script debugging in the check box and click ok.
After that, remove all temporary internet related files and start Internet Explorer. Go to the tools menu ; click the Internet options ; then click the General tab and under temporary internet files click settings ; then click the delete files and click ok ; then click cookies. Now click ok. Under history, click the clear History tab, then click Yes. Lastly click ok.