Internet interface ethX on the host computer shut down

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

What’s the explanation to this: the internet interface ethX on the host computer has shut down after shutting down my guest server. How can I prevent this from happening again?

Best Answer by Zorian Crust
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 80 points N/A #109661

Internet interface ethX on the host computer shut down


Howdy Blitt,


Upon reading your question, I really search the net to be able to get a solution. And you are very lucky because I have found some! I just can type it all in here because so be patient in reading the threads or solution on the sites where I have found the answers on your problem. I hope it might help you a lot.

Take note that those I provied is really proven and tested which can solve your problem.



Answered By 15 points N/A #109662

Internet interface ethX on the host computer shut down


That may be a problem with the browser you are using. The browser might be having problems in its code, there may be some ActiveX control scripts that are having problems and therefore hindering your browser from establishing a connection to the remote or the guest server. And therefore you will need to fix that for the browser to work well. One of the fixes you can use is reinstalling the browser, or you can alternatively install another browser and see if it will work well.

You will also need to check the browser settings that are being used in that particular browser that is having problems. In case they are not appropriate you will need to change them.

-Clair Charles

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