Internet not working when connecting
The 404 or Not Found is a HTTP standard response code indicating that your web browser was able to communicate with the server, but the server was unable to find what was requested. A 404 error should not be confused with "server not found" or other similar errors, in which a connection established with the destination server, could not be made at all. A 404 error indicates that the requested resource might be available again in the future.
To resolve this error, please check your internet connection. Check you proxy settings. Be sure that the IP address is correct from which it is connected to the internet.
Internet not working when connecting
The 404 error that you usually get in a web browser means that the website you are trying to access is not accessible which is usually caused by a down server. You will also get this error by clicking on an invalid link or on a non-existent link. If you get this error after clicking a link in a page, there are some possible reasons that might caused it. One is that the page that the link points to was already deleted, renamed, or moved to a different location. It is also possible that the page is being accessed by too many users at the same time that caused for your connection to be rejected that’s why the browser was unable to reach the page.
There is also the possibility that the page you are trying to access is being updated. In this case, try refreshing the page by pressing F5 on the keyboard. If you frequently receive this 404 error on your web browser, check the stability of your internet connection. You may also try uninstalling and then installing back the web browser you are using.