Internet problem with my mozilla fire fox and downloading slow

Mozilla Firefox is configured by default for dial-up speeds. In the event you have high speed web access such as DSL or cable, you can alter a few settings in Firefox and increase your download speeds. In the event you alter the number of connections that Firefox makes use of to download, you will notice a dramatic increase in your bandwidth. The larger the file you are downloading, the greater the speed will be, because more connections can be made to the server. To solve your problem you should follow some instruction….See below
1. Change Mozilla Firefox connection setting by typing "about:config" in the address bar of Mozilla Firefox.
2. In the "Filter:" bar, type "persistent"
3. You should now see two preference names with their values:
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy user set interger 4
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server user set interger 2
4. Double click on each of the preference names. A window will pop-up allowing you to change the values for each. If you have cable or DSL use a number between 20 and 30!. Click OK.
5.Restart Firefox and you will be able to download more files simultaneously and each file a lot faster.
If the above post didn’t improve the connection speed and still resulted on slow downloads, may be the problem is associated with the present installation of the web browser. If you are using the latest version of the web browser, try reinstalling the application then restart your computer when asked. After booting, check your computer for any possible errors. Use a disk utility application to check the system. Install the web browser again then see if this fixes the problem.
If reinstalling it didn’t do any good, try downloading and installing the latest version of the web browser. To download the latest version of Mozilla Firefox, visit mozilla | Firefox Free Download.