Asked By
20 points
Posted on - 02/01/2012
I have been using Delphi 2010 as my IDE program for a long time, but in the past few days, it has been giving me the Invalid File Handle system error (error $C0000008) whenever I try to create a TFile. In an attempt to determine the problem, I decided to create the test snippet TFileStream.Create (c:temptestfile.tmp), which is no better than a button handler. Although I was able to create the file, the test snippet returned the same error, even if I possessed all the rights to the folder. However, if I run the file outside IDE, or if the integral debug is turned off, the codes work just fine. I haven’t altered any of the settings in Delphi and in my Vista 32-bit operating system (OS). Can anyone help me get through this problem? I do not want to go through the pain of reinstalling the program until I exhaust all available options. Thank you very much to those who will be helping me.
‘Invalid File Handle’ error in Delphi 2010
You need to check whether your software has been working correctly with vista and is it fine with the 32bit software and I think if you are using 32bit windows vista you need to upgrade that window first and then download the 64bit version of this software along with the windows 64bit this will fin.
You will find the solution if you done this. Otherwise you need to find the other version of the Delhi other than 2010 because I have just found that there is some problem with the latest version I mean to say with the version 2010 you need to change this version. Hope this solution will solve if not then you need to check the coding of the function you are working this problem will solve.
Answered By
20 points
‘Invalid File Handle’ error in Delphi 2010
Hi Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I didn't know that version 2010 has a problem. Other version seems to be working well.
Thanks a lot techyv expert!