I/O failure operating on Borderlands 2

This morning this error appeared when I was trying to to run my game Borderlands 2. I don’t know what happened since last night worked just fine. I don’t want to reinstall the game because it takes a lot of time and I will lose all the savings in game. Can anyone help me to repair my game and please explain me what I did wrong ?
Thanks !

I/O failure operating on
RaiseExceptionO Address = 0x74e19673 (filename not found) [in
GetOutermostO Address = 0x1823cd3 (filename not found) [in
J:SteamsteamappscommonBorderlands 2BinariesWin32Borderlands2.exej
GetStackOwnerClassQ Address = Oxl6fZfl2 (filename not found) [in
JSteamsteamappscommonBorderlands 2BinariesWin32Borderlands2.exe]
AK:Monitor.:PostCodeO Address = O,ddl5d7b (filename not found) [in
JSteamsteamappscommonBorderlands 2BinariesWin32Borderlands2.exe]
GetStackOwnerClassQ Address = Oxl6bdOlO (filename not found) [in
JSteamsteamappscommonBorderlands 2BiriariesWin32Borderlands2.exe]
Address = 0x1262e49 (filename not found) [in
1SteamsteamappscommonBorderlands 2BinariesWin32Borderlands2.exe]
GetStackOwnerCiassO Address = 0x17522f5 (filename not found) [in
JSteamsteamappscommonBorderlands 2BinariesWin32Borderbnds2.exej
GetStackOwnerCLarssQ Address = 0x16a1605 (filename not found) [in
)SteamsteamappscommonBorderlands 2BinariesWin32Borderbnds2.exe]
Addrecc OxlZZS6ab (filename not found) [in
JSteamsteamappscommonBorderlands 2BinariesWin32Borderlands2.e.xe]
BaseThreadlnitThunkO Address = 0x75141114 (filename not found) [in
RtllnitializeExceptionChainO Address = 0x7737b299 (filename not found) [in
RtllnitializeExceptionChainO Address = (hc7737b26c (filename not found) [in
RtLlnitializeExceptionChainO Address = 0x7737b26c (filename not found) [in