IOS 6 to Integrate Facebook in iPhone and iPad

Will the plan of integrating the facebook application on iPhones and iPads via iOS 6 pave its way for Facebook to finally settle into the mobile genre?

Will the plan of integrating the facebook application on iPhones and iPads via iOS 6 pave its way for Facebook to finally settle into the mobile genre?
Yes! It will pave its way to mobile phone it’s only getting to know how to do it and the process to do it. Through Facebook and integration to iPads and iPhones. You don’t have to leave your app to do the job. You can share photos to facebook right out from camera and photos. You post your location right from maps. Tell about high scores in games. You just have to sign in to your Facebook Account once and then you can share the things you want from IOS to Mobile iPhones and iPads. Your facebooks friends list and information is integrated to your contacts. So when you are going to update your email or phone number you will automatically stay updated. Isn’t it cool?