I have a 7206 router (interface giga0) connect to a switch 2960 (interface giga0). Interface giga0 of 7206 has many IP because of using vlan, one of these IP is x.x.x.1. I want to bind the mac of interface giga0 (7206 router) to ip x.x.x.1 but other IPs in interface giga0 (7206 router) with same mac address are not affected. Can you help me?
IP address bound on a device MAC address?
Whats up Carlapauline,
It is possible to bind these addresses without any of the routers being affected, but you may need to assign the address to a range of x.x.x.2-x.x.x.128, this will enable communication between the I.P addresses. From that you may then assign from I. P address x.x.x.129 to x.x.x.256. In this way, the conflict between I.P addresses will be avoided. You may also need to rename the addresses e.g from x.x.x.1 to x.x.y.y these will be the first 4 addresses of the Organizationally Unique Identifier. So in your case, you may bind x.x.x.1 with x.x.1.1 or x.x.y.y to make it to be x.x.x.1.x.x.11 or x.x.x.1.x.x.y.y. If the website did not have a switch, you may turn on the Address Resolution Protocol. Afterwards, you may turn in off. The network resolution should be solved by now, else you may try troubleshooting with the debugger.
IP address bound on a device MAC address?
If you need to set the IP addresses for several devices that are connected to the network but had not been configured if you know the first 4 digits of the Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) , so for locations that you had switches you can use the following commands to learn MAC addresses .
sh MAC address-table xxxx (these are like first 4 digits of the OUI).
arp xx.xx.xx.xx yyyy.yyyy.yyyy.yyyy arpa(x=IP, y=MAC)
You will be able to tell net to the device and will be able to complete the configuration. For sites that did not have switches you can turn on Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) debugging in the router ( only if the sites have less other devices and less traffic) debug ARP,
Clear the ARP table :clear ARP
Simply monitor the debug session for the devices that appear in the router. Turn off debug:no debug all.
In configuration , using the MAC address found in the log, the IP binding can be done