Hi Techyv Experts, I am using the browser Opera Mini 6 in my Samsung Galaxy Y. In that entering IP address for Opera Mini 6 seems to be not working for me, because when I entered the IP for google ( it is not displaying the page but www.google.com is working, What may be the issue ?
IP address for Opera Mini 6
Dear Davidscecere,
It's not a browser problem. You are browsing with wrong IP. See steps below how to get IP address of any website.
Just follow these steps
1. Start> run> write this box cmd (see the screen shot )
Now a black screen appears
2. Write ping www.google.com
3. Press Enter
See the screen shot.
Now you will see the reply from
So now we have the IP address of Google. Now, write this IP and browse.
IP address for Opera Mini 6
Hi Davidscecere,
Settings your Opera mini and go to Network >>Protocol. Now press the button and select Socket/HTTP>>Save the query. Finally switch off your mobile, and now on your mobile. I hope your problem has been resolved.
Thanks to your question.