IPad 2 case how can we opt one?

Hi Apple experts,

Hi Apple experts,
Yes, some stores & sites are giving iPad case free when people are buying iPad. Sometimes, if you register on these sites, and follow some rules you get a free iPad Case.
They are giving-away this iPad for market promotion/offer. You can search online or Google it for getting the latest or up-to-date news about a free iPod cases give-away.
Here are some sites for buying iPad 2 accessories online:
a. Visit Amazon.in
For buying iPad 1 accessories online, you can look-up to:
A. Priceme iPad Accessories – Prices & Reviews
Crawly Math
These Solutions have really helped me and now i am buying on the site now and i will be just waiting for the delivery for my dream to have an iPad, i am so much excited to have them soon, i wish it will arrive very soon so i can use it.
And of course i am so thankful from you people you have gave me some solutions to have my dream iPad.
Thank you so much for helping me out.
Take care all of you.
You can buy iPad cases, here is a link to that:
I don't know about any free iPad cases, even if it is true. It might be a promotional strategy of some stores, but it cannot be a big thing. plus I don't think so that they are being given out free.
If they were being given out free it would have been a big deal with lots of advantages so No iPad cases are not being given out, iPad cases are not for free.
Here is another link where you can buy them on: