IPad podcasts download or transfer

Need your help and suggestions please.
Does the iPad update podcasts or do I need to download and transfer them?
Is the iPad okay for e-book reading?

Need your help and suggestions please.
Does the iPad update podcasts or do I need to download and transfer them?
Is the iPad okay for e-book reading?
Hi Kresl,
The iPad like the iPod and the iPhone is dependent on iTunes.
So in a nutshell for you to have podcast on an iPad you have to use the iTunes to manage and transfer them.
Here is a link about that.
About your second question. I'd say yes to that. The iPad has the e-Book capability, where you can download books and directly read. Thanks to the larger screen, you can read the e-books like the traditional way. There is only one thing I notice while I was using the iPad as an e-Book, the screen brightness.
My eyes are weak, so if you have weak eyesight make sure to adjust the screen brightness. I know that iPad has an automatic brightness adjust, thing it is only adjusting to the outside light not on your eyesight. So better tweak the brightness manually to fit your need.
Another thing is, the iPad is not designed to be an e-Book reader alone. It does a lot of things. You can also check some other devices specifically created and designed for e-Book reading like the Kindle perhaps.
I'm a bookworm myself, I sure can tell you that nothing beats the traditional books.
Hope this helps,
Tony Starks
Kindle Technology
Nowadays, people are getting in pace with the advancement of technology. From time to time, we are changing devices as often as we change our wardrobes lines. In order to adapt to the changing technology, the traditional reading of write-ups, books, novels, and other reading materials can now be accessed without using bounded papers.
By just using our fingertips, we can easily read what we want, wherever we are and at anytime of the day being hassle-free of lifting books. Most people are using devices that would normally suit their needs and to part of the modern technological world.
Through the years, technology changes to cater the social needs of the people, especially those belonging to what we called “bookworms”. This type of person is actually utilizing the maximum capabilities of their eyes in order to achieve their goals in finishing what they are reading and also spending too much on acquiring books just to have a copy.
Based on their reading habits, through time they would reach to a point where the space for placement and filing of their books would be a problem and also it is definitely the eye which is very often in use, thus leading to painful eyes or in worst case having sore eyes. In order to address this situation, here comes the emergence of several technologies. One of this is the so-called Kindle Technology.
The Kindle is considered to be the device which could cater, not only in terms of technological attachment but also being a tool that would aid in downloading e-books. Having the kindle at hand, manages our time to just download the book we wanted to have without worrying for space management/allocation problem in acquiring printed books. This would also eliminate wastage of time going to national libraries, just to find what we need. Aside from downloading e-books, it can also cater storing and reading of e-books.
Talking about wastage of time, it is also connected to the huge number of e-books that can easily be accessed wirelessly to Amazon.com. From there, one can easily read newspaper, and even subscribe to magazines and blogs. It is also convenient to bring anywhere since it is lightweight.
It also has features that eliminate the occurrence of painful eyes after reading. The screen itself uses a special technology called (viplex e-ink). The display is controlled by a device called metronome display controller that actually gives more options to the user when it comes to resolution and even the size.
It also offers no mirroring effect on its screen while reading e-books, irrespective of the lightning and the weather conditions. The screen itself has a low-contrast ratio and an array of settings meant for specific types of lightning, which makes reading a much better experience than reading a real book. Since the screen refreshes much faster than the eyes, the chance of the reader getting painful/strained eye is reduced greatly.
Since it’s been based on technology advancement, we shouldn’t forget that through it, life would be better. Reading is always fun to do; either it’s traditionally done or in a digital manner. The point is, we wanted to extend our lifespan in becoming bookworms of the future.
The Kindle technology offers what we really need in grasping information both from the past and the future. This device is the face of a new manner in the digital world of reading and at the same time preserving our body parts especially the eyes.