IPad vs Kindle vs Nook which is better

Can anyone list the advantages and disadvantages of the iPad, kindle, Nook e-book readers. Which one should I buy for my best and rough use. I want to buy anyone of these immediately.

Can anyone list the advantages and disadvantages of the iPad, kindle, Nook e-book readers. Which one should I buy for my best and rough use. I want to buy anyone of these immediately.
Dear user,
Three of these items are very well And advanced.
Which is better? I would ask which is better for me instead.
But however when considering these three.
Let’s compare main things.
Reader vs Tablet.
Ask yourself what you want. You just want to read or need a little more than that.
If you want more functionality and a color screen you will need to step up to a tablet. Like iPad2.
Also you can ask how large of a screen and weight do you want.
Even if you are staying at home kind of a person you should really consider the size.
So if you want the smaller size you can go for 2011 Kindle. Which is an e book reader.
And you can consider your screen type E – ink or color LCD.
And likewise you can compare many features.
But my personal choice is iPad 2.
Thank you.