Hi! I’ve been having problems with my iPhone 4 ever since I upgraded to iOS 5. The home button seems to be so slow and the action is always delayed. Sometimes when I pressed the button, I have to press it continuously to make it work. And most of the time, when hitting the power button will cause delay too. Was it because of iOS 5 or there is something wrong with my phone? I just want to assure so please help me. Thank you.
Answered By
John B
0 points
IPhone 4 action delay after an update to iOS 5
Hi Michael,
This could probably the iOS 5 problems, since iOS 5 is design for iPhone 4S and iPad 2. Since iOS 5 is not that stable for some iPhones, iTouch or iPad 1 and can make your device really slow, you should do some tweaks on it.
There are many possible solutions to fix this problem, first, turn off your iCloud to free more memory. If it doesn't work, close all unneeded applications that are running to your background by tapping the home button twice. If nothing work, re-install iOS 5 in your device. Hope this helps.
IPhone 4 action delay after an update to iOS 5
Hi there user:
Your unit gets slower right after you upgrade because there’s a problem with iOS 5. This is an APPS CRASH and unfortunately, no solution from the experts, and yet no seen shadow that this can be solved. Get rid of this problem by removing iOS 5, it’ll only cause you non-stop head-ache.
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