I am facing a problem with upgrading my iPhone 4 to iOS5.
The problem is my phone turns itself off randomly. Along with this it also damages the Bluetooth connection with Ford Sync in my car that made me fed up.
Can anyone give me a suggestion? Help will be highly appreciated.
IPhone 4 shuts off by itself
Hello Monica,
Apple has released the latest iOS 5 but did not fixed certain bugs which are now giving headache to iPhone users. The new iOS is not completely stable if you ask me. I prefer using iOS 4.3.2 which is stable and didn’t bother me till now.
You should try to delete the pairing from both the iPhone and your car and try re-pairing them. That is the 1st basic measure to take when trying to repair this issue.
You can just click on the link below and download latest updates for the system of your car (Ford).
This will take approximately 20-30 minutes. Then it should be going your way.