Asked By
Green Scott
50 points
Posted on - 10/22/2012
Hello everyone.
Every time, end of the 15 minute process for backing up the phone and next the software extraction and for the need to verify the update with Apple, I’d receive an error message, which says,
The iPhone ‘iPhone’ could not be restored. An unknown error has occurred.
Any idea would be appreciated. Again thanks.
The iPhone ‘iPhone’ could not be restored. An unknown error has occurred
Hi Green,
There are a whole lot of probabilities with regard to your concern. Do try the process after removing all aftermarket programs you may have installed – usually a security software would give this problem. Second on the list of things to check would be the amount of space you have on your phone. Perhaps there is not enough room for the process to complete. Now if this process is done with the use of your carriers network, do check and make sure that your signal is at its best. Hope one of these would work out for you.
The iPhone ‘iPhone’ could not be restored. An unknown error has occurred
The most common cause of this error is iTunes itself. You need to update it to the latest to fix the problem. There are also times when connecting your iPhone to your computer, your phone won’t appear in iTunes even if you transfer your connection to different USB ports. And after updating iTunes to the latest, your phone now shows up in iTunes.
Go to Download iTunes to download the latest version of iTunes. Once downloaded, you can either uninstall the old iTunes from your computer or just run the newly downloaded installer to install the latest version and upgrade the existing version. Once iTunes is updated, try restoring your iPhone again and see if it works. Before restoring your phone, make sure the battery is fully charged.