The iPod “iPod” could not be restored

I am getting this error, when I’m trying to restore my iPhone 4. Please give me some assistance.

The iPod “iPod” could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (-11).

I am getting this error, when I’m trying to restore my iPhone 4. Please give me some assistance.
The iPod “iPod” could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (-11).
Hello, All the apple iPhone generation faces this error, However, Its not a big deal, You just have to follow a few steps and everything will be alright. First, Connect to the iTunes, Make sure it's on a recovery mode, If not then make it.– Simply restore and wait for a minute, there will be an error. When the error comes click ok, Close and reopen iTunes (make sure the iPhone is connected) , Now it will recognized in a recovery mode, Try to restore again Thank