Is Acctinfo 2 Dll Window 7 64 Bits File Inside PC Made Easy To Find?
Hello, Everybody! If there was a simple path towards downloading acctinfo 2 dll window 7 64 bits file?
Hello, Everybody! If there was a simple path towards downloading acctinfo 2 dll window 7 64 bits file?
To fix this acctinfo 2 dll window 7 64 bits error, you will need to follow these steps:-
1. Download Account Lockout and Management Tools file from here .
2. Now, extract the files and copy acctinfo.dll from there to C:\Windows\SysWOW64.
3. Now, inside CMD navigate to C:\Windows\SysWOW64 and regsvr32 acctinfo.dll.
4. Then, visit the Active Directory Users and Computers inside the run dialog box by typing this “dsa. msc -32.”
5. Now, to access a 32-bit Management Console, you can create a shortcut for it by right-clicking on the location where you would like to make the shortcut. Select the new shortcut, set the location to dsa. msc -32, and done.