Is There Any Method To Fix The 0xc000007b Firefox Error?
Mozilla Firefox is not working on my Windows 10 PC. I installed Mozilla Firefox, but it gives me a 0xc000007b Firefox error. Please help. Thanks in advance!
Mozilla Firefox is not working on my Windows 10 PC. I installed Mozilla Firefox, but it gives me a 0xc000007b Firefox error. Please help. Thanks in advance!
You are getting the 0xc000007b Firefox error because you have installed the wrong version of the software most probably.
a. Right-click on This PC.
b. GO to Properties.
c. You will see a similar section.
d. Here the OS is 64-bit. You should also have a 64-bit OS.
e. Go here
f. Select your System type, as displayed in Properties, and your preferred language.
g. Download the file(.exe).
h. Run the file, and you should fix the problem.
i. If you have already installed any other version of Firefox, please uninstall it, and then run the currently downloaded file.