Hello, I wanted to know how to correctly solve the account settings are out of date windows 10 mail error. Please guide me in a simple way towards doing it?
Is There Any Possible Way For Correcting Account Settings That Are Out Of Date Windows 10 Mail?
A) The cause of this error is an out-of-date account is an incorrect password. To fix this “account settings are out of date windows 10 mail” error for PC, you will need to choose the Fix account in the notification bar. Enter the new password and done.
B) To fix this “account settings are out of date windows 10 mail” error for PC, you will need to follow these steps:-
1. Select Settings > Manage Accounts.
2 Now, select the out-of-date account to display the account settings dialog-box window, then select Change mailbox sync settings > Advanced mailbox settings > Advanced mailbox settings.
3. Tick the boxes for Require SSL for incoming email and Require SSL for outgoing email and then select Done > Save.