Asked By
simon john
40 points
Posted on - 02/04/2013
I have been avid fan of Football and very addicted user of mobile games I am using Samsung s2 android 2.3 version when I download this game app fantasy football supremacy on my mobile it doesn’t work properly it taking so much time to start and when it's starts my phone get shutdown automatically please provide me some upgrade or patch so that i will be able to play on my cell?
Issue with fantasy football supremacy app on Galaxy S2
Well, Samsung Galaxy S2 is a powerful Smartphone, But its not superior or like Apple iPhone 5, Hence it does get slow down while playing high profile games or doing multitasking, However phone manufacturer and apps developer come up with efficient version time to time, Now I'm giving you a couple links from where you can check out newer version and review as well,
Fantasy Football Draft Manager
Issue with fantasy football supremacy app on Galaxy S2
Hi there Simon John,
Looks like yours Samsung Galaxy is a bit low on memory and that is why your phone is crashing after you launch the game.Â
Fantasy Football game is compatible with your phone so checking the developers page for updates and tweaks could solve your problem.
Another thing you should do before launching the game is to turn off everything you don't need on your phone to free as much memory as you can for the game. Simply reboot before launching the game, turning off Bluetooth and WiFi and cleaning processes in task manager should be enough.
Best regards,
Drake Vivian