Asked By
mitzi lu
10 points
Posted on - 02/10/2012
Hello experts!
When I try to install the NI VC2008MSMs x86, it shows me the following error:
Auf den Windows-Installationsdienst konnte nicht zugegriffen werden. Dies kann vorkommen, wenn Sie Windows im abgesicherten Modus ausführen oder der Windows-Istaller nicht korrekt installiert ist. Wenden Sie sich an den Support, um Hilfe zu erhalten."
Windows läuft ganz normal und ich kann auch andere Software installieren.
The NI VC2008XMLSMs x86 installation has failed with the following error.
The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not corrently installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance.
Yes No
Issues in installing NI VC2008MSMs x86
This is the issue you telling is with your windows and you window doesn't allowed your software to do this. You window is not working properly might be there is some problem in your window like your window has corrupted some file or your window has been attacking by virus.
So you have to check these two possibilities if these two are fine then there is third possibility that is check whether your software system requirements has been fulfill by your system or not if not then fulfill the requirements
Also try to install the latest version of the software and if you are using the latest version of this software then you need to install the previous version of the software.
This way you will get out of this trouble.