Ist of php scripts collection sites

Hello, I need php scripts for my references in web development. Could anyone provide me the list of php scripts collection siteswhere I can get this? Thanks

Hello, I need php scripts for my references in web development. Could anyone provide me the list of php scripts collection siteswhere I can get this? Thanks
Hi Dave Tuttle,
   Their are a lot of sites for your references, I'm also a Web Developer and Web Designer. Now I will give a link for your references I also browse here If I forgot something with.
Thats the sites I've used for my references you can also try if you want.That would be a helpful for as that site helps me too,Now Im currently developing a sites together with that sites it help me to learn new techniques.
Hope it will help you Dave! good luck!Â
Hello Dave,
Here's the websites where you can find the list of php scripts. Hope it would be help.Â