Can I personalize BIOS window?

Hi friends,
I have a clone desktop pc (p4). I bought it about 4 years ago from a local computer shop. One day when I went to the shop I saw the manager of the shop was starting their main pc. The most impressive thing was that when he started the pc, I noticed there a logo and the name of their shop was showing at the top right of the bios screen (the black screen which comes at the time of starting/booting a pc). I was impressed by this sort of technical thing.
I don't know how they did it. To know the system, I asked them about way of attaching the logo and name on the bios screen. But they did not answer me or said me anything about it. To do the same thing on my pc, I researched about that. But I got nothing. I possessed this question for several times to many experts. But all of them failed to answer my question. I really want to do that on my pc to impress my friends as I was impressed after looking that nice technical thing. Would any body please help me to do that on my pc?
N: B: If this question doesn’t provide clear idea about the subject, I will provide more information about the subject of the question.
Thank you all