Is it possible to have Mac templates for blogger

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


Hi and Good Day TechyV!

I want to make a blog about games. But I want a blog with a different look. My question is, is it possible to have Mac templates for blogger? Is it available for download? Where can I download it? Are there styles of the skins or templates for bloggers like me? Any help would be appreciated.


Parkes Heenry

Best Answer by Villani Williamson
Answered By 0 points N/A #170815

Is it possible to have Mac templates for blogger


Hello Parkes,

Thanks for choosing us. About your concern, here are the different sites of where you can download blogger templates:

Please let me know if I can provide any further assistance.

Have a good day!


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #170816

Is it possible to have Mac templates for blogger

It is possible to download a Mac blogger template. There are many designs in which you can choose from. Here are just some of the templates.
1) Macintosh Blogger Template – this blogger template is free. Its features include columns (2), sidebar located on the right, rounded corners, exclusive design, and social bookmarking icons. It is compatible with Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome.
Here is the preview of the Template:
2) iTheme2 – it is said to be the perfect theme for technology and Mac related blogs. Its feature slider can be customized. It has a 2 skin themes and there are 4 footer widget columns. Comments are threaded. There is a header and footer menu. There are a lot of available features.
Here is the preview of the Template:

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