Is it possible to switch on the hub switch hub share again?

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

So here, the intent of my question is: 

I have a home Internet connection that uses a modem ISP.  I share with my friends in boarding house. 

So this model; modem -> switch hub -> computer.

Well, what I ask is, what can be shared more of a hub switch to hubswitch again? Be a model like this: modem -> switch hub -> switchhub -> computer. Can it be?


Best Answer by Scot1984
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 15 points N/A #84791

Is it possible to switch on the hub switch hub share again?



yes you can share as you desire.  In earlier days of using technology, there was a lack of resources, to share as switch on the hub switch, hub share again.

In the current generation, there are varieties of options available in the market to do the operation, to share the switch to hub and the hub to switch. But that too, only high end versions of the device only, make this feature possible.

Hence, should be aware of the causes while choosing the network device.  I recommend you to go for CISCO, which gives you plenty of options with that.


Answered By 0 points N/A #84792

Is it possible to switch on the hub switch hub share again?


Hi Katherine91,

Yes, you can share whatever you want. This will allow you to play network games, share printers and files and folders, and a lot of other things. You just have to right click on the folder you want to share and choose ‘Sharing’. For printers, sharing is also possible through printing using one computer where the printer is not connected to.

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