I was talking on YIM, with my iTunes open and listened to my music. I was unaware that iTunes was attempting to download about 3 video podcasts with one of the podcasts a live stream. My Top 200 MB was bankrupt within 5-10 minutes. How can I fix this? Please help me.
ITune Unexpected Download Problem to Solve
There is no way that you can fix this as you never pause it. It was interrupted and it is all a waste.
There is no such feature in iTunes that will help you recover those parts of the file that were downloaded before the interruption. Only if you have used the paused option then you might have had something in your hand.
Whenever download a podcast, do it when your computer is free as you know the size of podcasts are extremely large and they need time to download considering the speed of your network.
I myself download the podcasts directly to my ipad instead of downloading them from the iTunes as it is a bit easier.