Asked By
980 points
Posted on - 07/12/2011
Hi guys, I used iTunes application to work on my iPod library, while working on it, an error occurred. A message appeared on my screen, it tells me the that library I am working is not valid.
Please see below the error message, that appeared on my screen.
ITunes Music Library file cannot be read because it does not appear to be a valid library file.
As I analyzed on the error, I am having a hard time understanding it, on why the library is invalid since I only work on iPod library. I searched on the internet for similar errors I have, but I found no solution to my problem.
I posted this issue here, in hope to get some solution to my problem.
Answered By
0 points
The iTunes Music Library file cannot be read
It might be that your iTunes database is already corrupted. You should back it up from time to time.
There are 2 files in your iTunes music folder:
ITunes 4 Music Library.itl
ITunes Music Library.xml
You have to move these files, to your desktop. Try to launch iTunes, it will start up now. Don't worry if you'll see that your library is empty.
Click on File>Import. Change the "Files of Type" drop-down to "XML Files" and select the .XML file that you moved to your desktop.
You'll probably lose your play counts and last played info but the good news, is that it will rebuild your library and you'll also have all your ratings and songs back.
The iTunes Music Library file cannot be read
Hi judithmad,
I have read your problem related to the errors in ITUNES music library. For resolving the problem do the following:
Open my documents and then my music ; click the iTunes folder. Rename iTunes Library.itl as your iTunes Library.itl.old.
Then Go back to the previous iTunes Libraries folder, which will be in My Documents. Then take a new file and copy it back in to the iTunes folder.
Then you need to Rename it iTunes Library.itl. Run iTunes 6 and you is on your way to set with your library restored.
Please let me know if these steps were helpful in fixing this problem.