After installing iOS5 on my laptop, iTunes automatically opens when I am doing something on my laptop even without opening them. I tried to fix it by looking on the settings in the desktop and iTunes as well, but I can’t seem to locate which settings should I fix to resolve this. And also, I can’t sign out in iTunes and reboot my computer at times. How can I resolve this?
ITunes problem after installing iOS5
Hallo Jude,
The iOS5 version that you installed seems to have come with a lot of problems, maybe it is not compatible with the current version of the operating system that you are using or there are some broken registry keys that belong to it.
If iTunes and other programs were running just fine before you installed that program, then it is the one causing the problems. I will suggest that you fix the registry keys that may be broken using a program called ccleaner, which you can download for free on the internet.
You can also try uninstalling iOS5 and then installing it again and see if the problem will be resolved, or get another version, probably the latest one and install it and see if the problem will be fixed.
Mahesh Babu