Jailbreaking for any iPhone models

Hey Jeffrey Montes,
It is not necessary to jailbreak iPhone without a particular concern, and it is better to not jailbreak iPhones cause sometimes and often it gets BRICKED/dead. And if it gets bricked you are in a big trouble.
However if you want to use the App store, just make an account for free, to do that
Go to iTunes, try to download a free app, and when it asks you to log in, select sign up and when it asks you to select the WAY of payment , select none,. And carry on.
And you get everything you want without BRICKING your iPhone
However, sometimes jailbreaking is needed to unlock your phone to use it in different networks.
iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and 2nd Gen Apple TV – Such are devices uses iOS operating system.  iOs jailbreaking is vital if you intend to use software that are not authorized by Apple.  A jailbroken device  could give you access to applications that are nonexistent in the official Apple App Store. Â
In contrast to this, there are consequences in jailbreaking a device.  It is true that it can provide you a  lot of option extending the functionality of your iDevice, it can also cause things to work unexpectedly.  In addition to that, opening your iDevice to new possibilities is like opening it to new vulnerabilities.
Jailbreaking is fairly legal in US, but Apple stated that such practice could violate the warranty.
Thank you Mabasa Ashik and Zhantita for your responses about jailbreaking an iPhone.
Now I think I will not try jailbreaking to preserve my machine.
Many thanks TechyV!