Japanese theme Powerpoint 2007 templates

Asked By -10 points N/A Posted on -

Dear Friends,

I would like to have few Japanese theme PowerPoint 2007 templates,

Please do the needful for getting me the same, I am in construction field, so I need templates related to Japanese style of home construction.

Thanks & Regards,

Zachary Cashh

Best Answer by Norton Gerken
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #148191

Japanese theme Powerpoint 2007 templates


Hi Timothy!

There are a lot of websites that offer Japanese templates for free, you only have to choose the one that you like most and download it. The themes vary a lot, from nature to traditional symbols or random drawings, which I think will suit perfectly your PowerPoint presentations in the construction domain. If you want to be more specific, you can choose one of the templates with a house on them or with sketches.

After you download a template, to use it in a new PowerPoint, simply double-click it. If you want to insert it in a presentation already made, click the Microsoft Office button, then select New. In the dialog box that appears under New Presentation choose My Templates, select the downloaded template and then click OK.

Good luck!

Answered By 0 points N/A #198617

Japanese theme Powerpoint 2007 templates


Hello Zachary,

You can find different websites online where you can download Japanese theme Powerpoint templates. Here are links to some of the websites that I highly recommend:

1. PresentationPro Homepage

2. Powerpoint Templates

3. Presentation Load

All three websites have a wide variety of categories you can choose from. Just enter keywords such as “Japan” or “Japanese template” in the template search box.

If you don’t find any of the results to your liking, try using different search keywords. Here is a list of suggestions you can use so you can come across templates that are related to home construction.

Keywords: building, construction, house, real estate

I hope this solves your problem.

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