I am becoming frustrated no end whilst trying to install a newer version of java.
Just as the installation is about to finish an error message pops up stating "Could not create virtual machine" the weird thing is then the installation completes.
I've had a look around the net but everything seems to be minecraft related, please see the following screenshot;
Error Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
I'll be really grateful if any of you can help me!
Java installation error – can not create virtual machine
Hi Ryan,
From the screenshot you have provided, it appears you are trying to install the JDK.
This error most likely indicates that enough memory is not available at the point when the installer is trying to create a virtual machine. It could be possible that there may be several programs running while you are running the installation.
You may try the following –
Close all applications, restart your computer and try to install once again. This might work as not too many applications might be consuming memory while you are trying to install Java. OR,
You may first try closing as many applications as possible, additionally if you are using Windows, use the task manager to see the memory usage and even try closing the applications or processes which are not be useful.
Java installation error – can not create virtual machine
Hi Ryan,
For the above problem there are a few possible solutions.
First, you can just close all the working software and even all the not-in-use processes using task manager. This is simply to free some space which could be a possible cause of your problem.
Second, you can reinstall all the components i.e. It means you have reinstall the entire software.
Third, you can go to the control panel and uninstall all the Java Runtime Environment. After that you can just go to www.java.com and download the latest version of the Java Platform on your computer.
I hope this solves your problem.
Answered By
Java installation error – can not create virtual machine
Java is one of the most popular programming language. Its executable is also universal.
Here is the easiest way to solve this type of Java Virtual Machine error.
1. Start Control Panel.
2. Go to System and Security >> System.
3. From the left panel, click “Advanced system settings”.
4. Click on “Environment Variables…”
5. Add a system variable and enter the following details:
New Variable Name: _JAVA_OPTIONS
New Variable Value: -Xmx512M
Here, you can change the size to any for example, -Xmx1024M
6. Click OK.
Java installation error – can not create virtual machine
Hi Ryan,
Side by side these solutions you can apply another techniques too. Go this Techyv's post and get more techniques.
Could not create Java Virtual Machine