Java mail control contains classes that are common to all mail systems

Java mail control can work for all mail systems but for which internet standards Java mail works? Which properties Java mail supports?

Java mail control can work for all mail systems but for which internet standards Java mail works? Which properties Java mail supports?
The JavaMail API provides classes that model a mail system. The javax.mail package defines classes that are common to all mail systems. The javax.mail.internetpackage defines classes that are specific to mail systems based on internet standards such as MIME, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP. The JavaMail API includes the javax.mailpackage and subpackages.
About the proprieties that JavaMail support, I must say that JavaMail now supports accessing mail servers over connections secured using SSL or TLS. To simplify such access, there are two alternative approaches to enable the use of SSL.
First, and perhaps the simplest, is to set a property to enable the use of SSL. For example, to enable the use of SSL for SMTP connections, set the property "mail.smtp.ssl.enable" to "true".
Alternatively, you can configure JavaMail to use one of the SSL-enabled protocol names. In addition to the non-SSL JavaMail protocols "imap", "pop3", and "SMTP", the protocols "imps", "pop3s", and "smtps" can be used to connect to the corresponding services using an SSL connection.
Hello Justin
The JavaMail API includes the javax.mail package. This package defines various classes that are related to mail systems depending on Internet standards as IMAP, MIME , POP3 and SMTP .Specifically, the package supports features that are specific to MIME standard (RFC 2046, RFC 2045 and RFC 2047). The IMAP, POP3 and SMTP protocols use MimeMessages. They have no plans as of now , to implement support for providers such as NNTP, Lotus Notes, MAPI and other specific providers.However, JavaMail is an open source API and also, JavaMail API architecture helps in easy plug-in third party specific service providers.
Some of the JavaMail properties are –Â
1. mail.imap.user
3. mail.imap.port
To get a complete set of properties that are supported by JavaMail , can be referred from the official Oracle documentation for JavaMail.