Java , C, C++ is it any kind of language

Asked By 70 points N/A Posted on -

Some time we find online or anywhere java, c, c++ what is it? C is software or program. c,c++ and java where we can use it. Or Without we can move our pc. I do not know about that subject. It is very interesting for me or new user. It is easy to use or learn?

Please help me to understand about c, c++ and java. Or what kind of program are available in these world?
Best Answer by Weddlee
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Answered By 0 points N/A #87356

Java , C, C++ is it any kind of language


First of all you need to know what is a programming language. Like we understand English, and we instruct someone in English if we want him to do a certain job. Similarly, computer can not be told what to do in english. It just does not know what A,B,C means. So we need to use a certain language to tell computers what to do. Like if we want the computer to add two numbers, we need to provide a proper syntax for that, and then computer will generate its result. C, C++, Java are different languages that are understood by computers. Using these we can have different levels of access to memory, CPU or ALU. The windows you use in computer are programmed using these languages. We can also make games using them. It just needs your own creativity and expertise on your language to get a certain job done.

There are different compilers available for C, C++ or Java. You can use any of these to write your program and generate executable files out of it. These are not easy, if you do not have natural talent to program. Not all can perform same after studying a certain language, so you can try to know any one of these languages, study them, and then try your luck by doing tasks that are given in programming books. Best of luck for that.

Answered By 5 points N/A #87357

Java , C, C++ is it any kind of language



C, C++ and JAVA are programming Languages.

We define Programming languages in 2 categories listed below:

  1. Function-based Programming Language.
  2. Object-oriented Programming Language.

C Language is a function programming language. C++ Language is advance version of C and Support both category Function-based & Objet-oriented.

Java support object-oriented language, it doesn't allow modular programming. In Java every object has to be defined in terms of a class.

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